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BSA ComPassion

Joint Replacement


• Are you replacing a hip, knee, shoulder or other joint
• Just had surgery or have an upcoming surgery
• Need help preparing for a surgery
• Have questions about what to expect during recovery

In 2014, more than 400,000 Medicare beneficiaries received a hip or knee replacement and many of these patients received home health within 48-72 hours of their surgery taking place.

At BSA ComPassion, we are communicating with your physician to customize a plan specific to your needs.  There are many advantages to having home health after your knee surgery instead of going to a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), or starting an outpatient therapy program.

What Can BSA ComPassion Do?

It all starts with a good plan...

• When scheduling your surgery, make sure and speak to your physician about home health
• Many physicians will work with a home health agency prior to your surgery to communicate your needs, your insurance, and your post-surgery regimen.
• Once your surgery is complete, a nurse from BSA ComPassion will come to your hospital room to coordinate your discharge with the hospital's discharging staff.

• Once home, your nursing and therapy team will do everything they can to make your transition home seamless and start you on the road to recovery.

Make sure and tell your physican you want to use home health, and you want to use BSA ComPassion.

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